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2024 Spring Sale—Week Seven

Spring Sale Redux!

If you missed out on anything in this year's Spring Sales Event or if you're already ready to take on new topics, we've got some great news for you. For a limited time only, we're giving you one more chance to pick up any of these great titles for half off. Scroll down for the full list and promo code.

Recently Released:


Best Sellers:

Make sure you haven't missed anything!

  1. Advanced Hands-on Rust
  2. Serverless Apps on Cloudflare
  3. Become a Great Engineering Leader
  4. Programming Phoenix LiveView
  5. Engineering Elixir Applications

See all best sellers...

50% Off! Second Chance Spring Sale
May 29, 2024

Enter coupon code 2024Redux at checkout to save 50% on any of the following titles:

Offer not valid for previous purchases. Expires June 5, 2024.

Automate Your Home Using Go
Dive into extraordinary and robust home automation projects written in Go. Deploy, host, and maintain code in your home lab using best of breed Go-based tools.

Portable Python Projects
Expand your knowledge of the Raspberry Pi while building nearly a dozen immediately applicable hardware and software projects. Use Python to make exciting autonomous solutions.

Programming WebRTC
Use WebRTC to build web applications that stream media and data in real time directly from one user to another, all in the browser.

Build a Weather Station with Elixir and Nerves
This project-based book gets you up to speed on building and deploying Elixir IoT applications using Nerves, as you develop a real-world IoT weather station.

Build a Binary Clock with Elixir and Nerves
Build a working binary clock using Elixir, Nerves, and OTP. Control complexity in your projects using a layered approach to software design.

Build Talking Apps for Alexa
This book will introduce you to the exciting topic of voice user interfaces, building applications known as “skills” for the Alexa platform.

From Objects to Functions
Learn Functional Programming by building a complete web application that uses Kotlin, TDD with end-to-end tests, and CQRS and Event Sourcing microservices architecture.

Essential 555 IC
Build unique and clever projects and learn how to use the most important integrated circuit ever made, the 555 timer.

Explore Software Defined Radio
Explore Software Defined Radio: Use SDR to receive satellite images and space signals.

Mazes for Programmers
Explore a dozen algorithms for generating mazes randomly, each copiously illustrated and accompanied by working implementations in Ruby.

Charged Bodies
Charged Bodies chronicles the rise of Silicon Valley via the voices of those who shaped it and those forever changed by it.

Seven Obscure Languages in Seven Weeks
Unlock the mysteries of forgotten programming languages, bridge legacy code gaps, and enhance your coding repertoire with hands-on guidance.

Currently Away
When the pandemic, heart disease, and personal tragedy threatened to steal everything the Tates spent years building, they found hope, healing, and themselves on a 290-square-foot boat.

Become a Great Engineering Leader
Learn the tools and techniques of effective engineering leadership.

Agile Retrospectives, Second Edition
This is the new definitive book for teams committed to learning, growth, and improvement.

Successful Independent Consulting
Use your unique expertise to create content marketing that attracts clients to you.

Competing with Unicorns
Ship software faster and scale like an enterprise while working like a startup, using lessons from the world’s best tech companies.

Note: The audiobook version is also on sale.

Fire in the Valley
Fire in the Valley is the definitive history of the personal computer, drawn from interviews with the people who made it happen.

Note: The audiobook version is also on sale.

From Ruby to Elixir
Use your Ruby knowledge to quickly learn Elixir and build scalable applications using the most powerful libraries in the Elixir ecosystem.

Machine Learning in Elixir
Leverage Elixir and the Nx ecosystem to build intelligent applications that solve real-world problems in computer vision, natural language processing, and more.

Programming Phoenix LiveView
Build highly interactive applications without ever leaving Elixir, the way the experts do. LiveView takes care of performance, scalability, security, and keeps the browser up to date.

Programming Ruby 3.3 (5th Edition)
Programming Ruby is the most complete book on Ruby, covering both the language itself and the standard library as well as commonly used third-party tools.

Agile Web Development with Rails 7
Get the comprehensive insider information you need for Rails 7 with the new edition of this award-winning classic.

Ruby on Rails Background Jobs with Sidekiq
Give your Rails apps an instant performance boost by harnessing the power of efficient, manageable, and sustainable background processing with Sidekiq.

Sustainable Web Development with Ruby on Rails
Practical tips to get the most out of Ruby on Rails 7.

GraphQL for Rails Developers
Learn how to build a GraphQL API on top of a Rails application with this step-by-step guide.

Modern Front-End Development for Rails, Second Edition
Combine Rails 7, TypeScript, Turbo, Stimulus, and React to build rich user interaction into your websites using the best of both server and client-side tools.

Business Success with Open Source
Rebuild your free and open source software policies to increase developer retention, ensure cutting-edge security, and reinforce the company brand.

Forge Your Future with Open Source
A comprehensive guide to how and why to contribute to free and open source software projects.

Note: The audiobook version is also on sale.

Test-Driven React 2
Learn the right way to do test-driven development with React. You’ll come away knowing how to use the latest tools to streamline your entire workflow.

Project Lifecycles
Learn to design project lifecycles to create valuable products and a culture of agility.

Your Code as a Crime Scene, Second Edition
Blends criminal psychology with code analysis to help you investigate and improve your code, software architecture, and organization.

Practical A/B Testing
Unlock the power of A/B testing to verify your hypothesis, build more inclusive products, and ensure your changes are actual improvements to the product.

Python Testing with pytest, Second Edition
Create efficient, elegant software tests in pytest, Python’s most powerful testing framework.

Become an Effective Software Engineering Manager
The software industry needs great managers. We need you. Here’s how to start.

A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms in JavaScript, Volume 1
Choosing a good algorithm or data structure can make your code both easier to work with and orders of magnitude faster. Get the hands-on info you need to master data structures and algorithms for your daily work.

High Performance PostgreSQL for Rails
Build fast, scalable PostgreSQL and Rails apps. Solve data growth, quality, and reliability challenges, for workloads from consumer Internet to enterprise SaaS.

Designing Data Governance from the Ground Up
Put the data that runs your business to work for you. Embed data governance into your practice, and build processes to data during and after deployment.

Note: The audiobook version is also on sale.

SQL Antipatterns, Volume 1
SQL Antipatterns is a short-cut to wisdom, showing you how to avoid “easy” solutions that don’t work, and be a better database developer in any language.

Creating Software with Modern Diagramming Techniques
Communicate more clearly, refactor more effectively, and save time with attractive diagrams that only take minutes to make with open source, text-based tools.

Exploring Graphs with Elixir
This hands-on book will quickly get you building, querying, and comparing graph data models using a robust, concurrent programming language—Elixir.

Complex Network Analysis in Python
Use Python to construct, analyze, and visualize complex networks—with case studies from social networking, anthropology, marketing, and sports analytics.

Programming Ecto
Learn all the ins and outs of how to connect your Elixir apps to relational databases using Ecto, the premier database library for Elixir.

Effective Go Recipes
Shave countless hours off development time with production-ready Go recipes. Learn language nuances while doing common (and not so common) programming tasks.

C++ Brain Teasers
Unravel challenging C++ mysteries, learn to avoid common pitfalls, and put better code into production by taking on 25 fun and mind-bending puzzles.

Cruising Along with Java
Get up to speed with the changes in the Java language from version 9 to 19 and apply the amazing features in your application to improve its design and quality.

A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms in Python, Volume 1
Big O Notation can make your code faster by orders of magnitude. Get the hands-on info you need to master data structures and algorithms for your daily work.

JavaScript Brain Teasers
Ready to test your JavaScript skills? Challenge yourself with these brain-teasing puzzles, supercharge your learning journey, and emerge as a JavaScript pro.

Text Processing with JavaScript
Solve complex text validation, extraction, and modification problems efficiently in JavaScript.

Functional Programming in Java, Second Edition
Learn and apply the powerful streams API and lambda expressions to create highly expressive, concise, and maintainable functional style code in Java.

Practical Programming, Third Edition
Solve real-world problems as you learn the fundamentals of programming using Python 3.

Go Brain Teasers
Get ready for 25 teasers that will hone your Go skills and challenge your brain.

Python Brain Teasers
Get ready for 30 teasers that will hone your Python skills and challenge your brain.

Want to Write Something? Share What You Know

From paperbacks and ebooks to online courses and beyond, if you want to create technical content, we may be your perfect partner.

Leverage our 20+ years of experience, our global distribution network, our massive fan base, our relationships with industry leaders, our editorial, production, and marketing prowess, and even our reputation for excellence. Sure, you could go it alone, but with some of the highest royalties in all of traditional publishing and your own personal team, why would you bother?

Shoot us an email at proposals@pragprog.com or visit pragprog.com/publish-with-us for more details today.

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Upcoming Author Appearances

  • 2024-05-30 Dave Thomas, PLG Disrupt Summit, Athens
  • 2024-06-04 Johanna Rothman, Visualize Your Agile Approach: Practical Ways to Increase Your Agility
  • 2024-06-06 Michael Keeling, Apiumhub Monthly Book Club Chats (virtual meetup)
  • 2024-06-11 Andy Atkinson, Posette Virtual Conference for PostgreSQL
  • 2024-06-18 Jon Reid, Remote workshop
  • 2024-06-18 Miki Tebeka, GopherCon EU at Berlin
  • 2024-06-20 Johanna Rothman, Focus Your Distributed Component Teams to Deliver Better Products Faster
  • 2024-06-25 Johanna Rothman, Product Management Today
  • 2024-06-27 R. Mark Volkmann, KCDC in Kansas City
  • 2024-07-03 Anders Schau Knatten, C++ on Sea
  • 2024-07-03 Frances Buontempo, CppOnSea/Folkestone
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    And, if you want, you can see what Dave Thomas (@pragdave) is up to.

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    By Professional Developers, for Professional Developers

    Sent by the Pragmatic Programmers, LLC. • PO Box 271356 • Flower Mound TX 75027