January 09, 2019
Unit testing has become a part of the mainstream, and it's easy to automate. But unit testing only tests the inputs you give it. Property-based testing starts with a model of the system and generates large numbers of test cases to locate the bugs you couldn't think of on your own.
Defining useful properties is the key to success in property-based testing, and that takes practice and guidance. Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and Elixir shows you how. Now in print from pragprog.com/book/fhproper.
Come and get it!
Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and Elixir: Find Bugs Before Your Users Do
Most tests only demonstrate that the code behaves how the developer expected it to behave, and therefore carry the same blind spots as their authors when special conditions or edge cases show up. Learn how to see things differently with property tests written in PropEr.
Start with the basics of property tests, such as writing stateless properties and using the default generators to generate test cases automatically. More importantly, learn how to think in properties. Improve your properties, write custom data generators, and discover what your code can or cannot do. Learn when to use property tests and when to stick with example tests with real-world sample projects. Explore various testing approaches to find the one that's best for your code. Shrink failing test cases to their simpler expression to highlight exactly what breaks in your code, and generate highly relevant data through targeted properties. Uncover the trickiest bugs you can think of with nearly no code at all with two special types of properties based on state transitions and finite state machines.
Write Erlang and Elixir properties that generate the most effective tests you'll see, whether they are unit tests or complex integration and system tests.
Now in print and shipping from pragprog.com/book/fhproper.
Upcoming Author Appearances2019-02-04 Frances Buontempo,
C++ On Sea, Folkestone, Kent, UK from 4th-6th February 2019.
2019-02-21 Frances Buontempo,
nor(DEV):con 2019, Norfolk, UK
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