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Designing Elixir Systems with OTP »

You know how to code in Elixir; now learn to think in it. Design libraries with intelligent layers that shape the right data structures, flow from one function into the next, and present the right APIs. Embrace the same OTP that's kept our telephone systems reliable and fast for over thirty years. Instinctively know how to design systems that deliver fast and resilient services to your users, all with an Elixir focus.

What Is GraphQL? »

You've likely heard about it, and perhaps even noticed that some of your favorite platforms have a GraphQL API. But you're wondering what all the hoopla is about and what GraphQL can do for you. Check out The Pragmatic Studio’s FREE four-part animated video series.

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  • Agile Web Development with Rails 6, in beta
  • Practical Microservices: Build Event-Driven Architectures with Event Sourcing and CQRS, in beta
  • iOS Unit Testing by Example: XCTest Tips and Techniques Using Swift, in beta
  • Web Development with Clojure, third edition, in beta
Designing Elixir Systems with OTP
April 17, 2019

The concept of scaffolding is ancient; there's evidence that the paleolithic painters of the Lascaux caves used scaffolding of some sort. Scaffolding of one kind or another was used to build the pyramids of Egypt and the medieval cathedrals in Europe. In the early 1900s, metal poles became common for scaffolding, and Daniel Palmer-Jones, along with his brother David, invented a universal method of coupling the poles together for greater strength. Their scaffolding system was used for repairs on Buckingham Palace in 1913, and the standardized couplings caught on. Today, over one hundred years later, the same system is still standard for construction.

If you've got a good framework, it lasts a long time. The OTP stands for "Open Telecom Platform" and was developed by Ericsson in 1995. Like all good scaffolding, the OTP provides stability and reliability to your Elixir code. When you understand how the scaffolding is built, you can adapt your design to take advantage of that and create faster, more reliable products.

Check it out now at pragprog.com/book/jgotp.

Designing Elixir Systems with OTP: Write Highly Scalable, Self-Healing Software with Layers

Elixir is gaining mindshare as the programming language you can use to keep your software running forever, even in the face of unexpected errors and an ever-growing need to use more processors. This power comes from an effective programming language, an excellent foundation for concurrency and its inheritance of a battle-tested framework called the OTP.

If you're using frameworks like Phoenix or Nerves, you're already experiencing the features that make Elixir an excellent language for today's demands. This book shows you how to go beyond simple programming to designing, and that means building the right layers. Embrace those data structures that work best in functional programs and use them to build functions that perform and compose well, layer by layer, across processes. Test your code at the right place using the right techniques. Layer your code into pieces that are easy to understand and heal themselves when errors strike.

Of all Elixir's boons, the most important one is that it guides us to design our programs in a way to most benefit from the architecture that they run on. The experts do it and now you can learn to design programs that do the same.

Now available from pragprog.com/book/jgotp.

The Pragmatic Studio’s Animated Four-Part Video Series on GraphQL

GraphQL is an expressive query language for your API that BLAH, BLAH, BLAH...

If your eyes glaze over every time you read a definition of GraphQL, you’ll be happy to know that The Pragmatic Studio took a different approach. In their animated four-part video series, you’ll see GraphQL in action:

Upcoming Author Appearances

  • 2019-04-18 Paolo Perrotta, RubyKaigi, Fukuoka, Japan
  • 2019-04-24 Johanna Rothman, Influential Agile Leader, Toronto
  • 2019-04-26 Jeremy Fairbank, Lambda Squared, Knoxville, TN
  • 2019-04-30 Colin Jones, RailsConf, Minneapolis
  • 2019-04-30 Andy Lester, SoftwareGR, Grand Rapids, Michigan
  • 2019-05-08 Brian MacDonald, NDC Minnesota 2019
  • 2019-05-08 Michael Keeling, SATURN 2019 in Pittsburgh, PA
  • 2019-05-09 Johanna Rothman, Agile PM Roundtable (Virtual)
  • 2019-05-11 James O. Coplien, Scrum Patterns Course
  • 2019-05-16 Johanna Rothman, Austin Agile at Scale SIG
  • 2019-05-20 Diana Larsen, Global Scrum Gathering - Austin, TX
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