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Designing Elixir Systems with OTP »

You know how to code in Elixir; now learn to think in it. Learn to design libraries with intelligent layers that shape the right data structures, flow from one function into the next, and present the right APIs. Embrace the same OTP that's kept our telephone systems reliable and fast for over 30 years. Move beyond understanding the OTP functions to knowing what's happening under the hood and why that matters. Using that knowledge, instinctively know how to design systems that deliver fast and resilient services to your users, all with an Elixir focus.

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Designing Elixir Systems with OTP
December 12, 2019

Happy birthday today to Edvard Munch, born on this day in 1863. You might recognize his most famous painting, entitled The Scream. You might even feel like you've posed for it when trying to design modern, scalable, resilient systems.

Stop screaming and enjoy the rich and reliable ecosystem of OTP with Designing Elixir Systems with OTP: Write Highly Scalable, Self-Healing Software with Layers, now content complete and available from pragprog.com/book/jgotp. For the paperback edition, please support your local independent bookstore.

Designing Elixir Systems with OTP: Write Highly Scalable, Self-Healing Software with Layers

Elixir is gaining mindshare as the programming language you can use to keep your software running forever, even in the face of unexpected errors and an ever-growing need to use more processors. This power comes from an effective programming language, an excellent foundation for concurrency and its inheritance of a battle-tested framework called the OTP.

If you're using frameworks like Phoenix or Nerves, you're already experiencing the features that make Elixir an excellent language for today's demands. This book shows you how to go beyond simple programming to designing, and that means building the right layers. Embrace those data structures that work best in functional programs and use them to build functions that perform and compose well, layer by layer, across processes. Test your code at the right place using the right techniques. Layer your code into pieces that are easy to understand and heal themselves when errors strike.

Of all Elixir's boons, the most important one is that it guides us to design our programs in a way to most benefit from the architecture that they run on. The experts do it, and now you can learn to design programs that do the same.

Now in print: the ebook is content complete and available from pragprog.com/book/jgotp. For the paperback edition, please support your local independent bookstore.

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  • 2020-01-09 Jeff Kelley, CodeMash, Sandusky, OH
  • 2020-01-10 Jeff Kelley, CodeMash, Sandusky, OH
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