May 11, 2020
If you’ve been feeling too mentally exhausted lately to blaze your own path, why not give yourself a break? Follow a ready-made path set out by the experts. You’ll still get where you need to go, and you’ll have plenty of energy left to leave your mark on the world once you’re there.
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Programming Phoenix 1.4
The best way to learn Phoenix is to code, and you’ll get to attack some interesting problems here. Work with controllers, views, and templates within the first few pages. Build an in-memory context, and then back it with an Ecto database layer. Craft an interactive application using the channels API this ecosystem made famous.

Real-Time Phoenix
Understand the magic of real-time communication by inspecting the WebSocket protocol in action. Avoid performance pitfalls early in the development life cycle with a catalog of common problems and their solutions. Deliver an exceptional real-time experience with easy maintenance, reduced operational costs, and maximized performance.

Modern Front-End Development for Rails
Improve the user experience in your Rails app with rich, engaging client-side interactions. Learn to use the Rails 6 tools and simplify the complex JavaScript ecosystem. It’s easier than ever to build user interactions with the Webpacker gem and Stimulus. You can add great front-end flair without much extra complication.

Forge Your Future with Open Source
Free and open source software is the default choice for the programming languages and technologies that run our world, and it’s built and maintained by people just like you. Learn what open source is, where it came from, and why it’s important. Anyone can contribute! Make your mark today and help others while also helping yourself.

Beyond Legacy Code
Avoid common pitfalls and dramatically reduce the risk associated with building software. Take a deep dive into technical practices like refactoring and test-first development to understand why they’re so critical to building maintainable software. Together we can turn the legacy code crisis into a true Information Revolution.

Practical Microservices
MVC and CRUD make software easier to write, but harder to change. Microservice-based architectures can help even the smallest of projects remain agile in the long term. Discover the basics of message-based architectures, render the same state in different shapes to fit the task at hand, and learn what it is that makes something a monolith.

Adopting Elixir
Learn real-life strategies from the people who built Elixir and use it successfully at scale. From design and team-building to deployment, monitoring, and more, learn the best practices for the whole life of your application. Adoption is more than programming—make a business case and build a team before you even finish your first prototype.
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Upcoming Author Appearances2020-05-14 Alex Miller,
Gateway JUG, St. Louis
2020-05-14 Johanna Rothman,
Agile Africa webinar
2020-05-21 Johanna Rothman,
PMI Webinar: Portfolio Management During a Pandemic
2020-05-30 Jeff Langr,
Mob Programming Conference 2020, Boston, MA, US
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