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Effective Go Recipes »

Go is lightweight, easy to work with, and easy to read. Go gives you the benefits of dynamically typed languages (speed of development) while keeping the upsides of strongly typed languages (security and performance). There's an art to using Go effectively. Shave countless hours off development time with production-ready Go recipes. Learn language nuances while doing common (and not so common) programming tasks

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Effective Go Recipes
August 16, 2023

Effective Go Recipes: Fast Solutions to Common Tasks

All the clean, reusable solutions you need for a wide variety of problems common to Go development. Outfitted with these recipes, your next apps will be more polished and more maintainable than ever.

Start out by tackling time and see how the Go time packager provides types that will do most of the heavy lifting for you. Next, work on recipes tailored to the nuances of processing text, like normalizing strings to avoid bugs. From there, whip up some functions on-the-fly and store functions in variables and data structures.

Ever wondered why Go seems to be peppered with error handling? Working through the next recipes, you'll discover the benefits, which include more robust code. In the section on HTTP, you'll learn tricks like running multiple HTTP servers on the same port and setting timeouts. With concurrency recipes, you'll limit the number of goroutines to improve performance, give your code awareness of timeouts, and decide when to keep your code sequential instead of making it concurrent.

Throughout the book, you’ll make Go sizzle following simple recipes and tweaking them to fit your own apps. Using tools like strong typing and concurrency primitives, build a Go codebase that stays maintainable at scale.

Now available in beta from pragprog.com/titles/mtgo.

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Upcoming Author Appearances

  • 2023-08-21 Craig Walls, SpringOne at VMware Explore, Las Vegas, NV
  • 2023-09-22 Craig Walls, New England Software Symposium - Boston, MA
  • 2023-09-22 Craig Walls, Central Ohio Software Symposium - Columbus, OH
  • 2023-09-22 Leemay Nassery, Strange Loop
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