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From Objects to Functions »

Build applications quicker and with less effort using functional programming and Kotlin. Learn by building a complete application, from gathering requirements to delivering a microservice architecture following functional programming principles. Learn how to implement CQRS and EventSourcing in a functional way to map the domain into code better and to keep the cost of change low for the whole application life cycle.

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From Objects to Functions
September 14, 2023

From Objects to Functions: Build Your Software Faster and Safer with Functional Programming and Kotlin

Switching to the functional paradigm isn’t easy when you’re used to object-oriented programming. You need more than just lambdas and mapping over collections to get a declarative style and disentangle the state from the computations. Use transformations and compositions to help you write less code with better results. Boost your productivity and harness the power of functional programming by creating real-world applications rather than focusing on theoretical concepts.

Work through a series of short exercises to find and compose pure functions, and create data structures that work like algebra. Get rid of mutable state in your software to eliminate the main source of bugs. Apply CQRS and EventSourcing patterns to translate stakeholder requirements into functional design and then into code. See how Kotlin’s easy-to-learn syntax and functional-friendly approach make it a great option for a pragmatic language that integrates well with existing Java code and libraries.

Leverage functional programming to build and deliver robust applications in less time and with fewer defects.

Now in print: Use coupon code "UBOOPCOMPLETE" for 40% off the ebook at pragprog.com/titles/uboop. For the paperback edition, please support your local independent bookstore.

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  • 2023-09-18 Johanna Rothman, Successful Independent Consulting: Relationships That Focus on Mutual Benefit
  • 2023-09-22 Craig Walls, New England Software Symposium - Boston, MA
  • 2023-09-22 Craig Walls, Central Ohio Software Symposium - Columbus, OH
  • 2023-09-22 Leemay Nassery, Strange Loop
  • 2023-09-26 Herbert Wolverson, GopherCon 2023 San Diego
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  • 2023-10-04 Ben Cotton, DockerCon, Los Angeles, CA
  • 2023-10-13 Craig Walls, Northern Virginia Software Symposium - Reston, VA
  • 2023-10-20 Craig Walls, Twin Cities Software Symposium - Minneapolis, MN
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