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Frameworks are fantastic for solving known problems with well-established patterns, but they aren't right for everything. Sometimes you need to dive deep into a language to get the job done right! Use promo code CODING2023 at checkout for half off eight great titles! Scroll down for details.

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  1. Programming Phoenix LiveView
  2. Exercises for Programmers
  3. Programming Ruby 3.2 (5th Edition)
  4. The Curious Case of the Async Cafe
  5. Effective Haskell

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⁠Talking Tech
April 05, 2023

Enter coupon code CODING2023 at checkout to save 50% on any of the following titles:

Offer not valid for previous purchases. Expires April 13, 2023.

Programming Ruby 3.2 (5th Edition)
Programming Ruby is the most complete book on Ruby, covering both the language itself and the standard library as well as commonly used third-party tools.

Programming Erlang (2nd edition)
Write parallel programs that scale effortlessly on multicore systems with Erlang.

Hands-on Rust
Make fun games as you learn the Rust programming language through a series of hands-on game development tutorials and real-world use of core language skills.

Effective Haskell
Don’t just learn the Haskell syntax. Dive deeply into the language as you build efficient, well-tested programs.

Cruising Along with Java
Get up to speed with the changes in the Java language from version 9 to 19 and apply the amazing features in your application to improve its design and quality.

Seven Languages in Seven Weeks
Get a hands-on tour of Clojure, Haskell, Io, Prolog, Scala, Erlang, and Ruby.

SQL Antipatterns, Volume 1
Use SQL the right way—it can save you from headaches and needless work, and let your application really shine!

Programming Clojure, Third Edition
Wield immutable data, functions, and metaprogramming to solve problems with this uniquely expressive language.

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