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Spotlight on Noel Rappin »

We can't think of someone better suited to take up the challenge of updating the Pickaxe book than our friend Noel Rappin. He's been using Ruby since the original Programming Ruby; that was 20 years ago. Since then he's written about testing Rails, front-end development with Rails, and Tailwind. So how did he go from Common Lisp and Smalltalk to being a full-time Ruby developer? Scroll down to find out, and join the AMA and maybe win a free ebook.

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Falling in Love with Simplicity
December 13, 2023

Noel started programming while in high school, using Basic and Turbo Pascal on an Apple II. He went on to get undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in computer science, and has been programming ever since.

He came to Ruby the way many of us did: he was programming Java and discovered that there was a better way to get things done. He says, "There's an aesthetic...where many Java libraries are built to make the thing that you do 1 percent of the time easy while making the thing you do 95 percent of the time more complicated. Ruby libraries are the exact opposite."

You can read the full interview with Noel at https://forum.devtalk.com/t/spotlight-noel-rappin-author/135742. And while you're there, be sure to drop a question in the AMA. You'll get a personal answer back, and you'll also get a chance to win a free ebook copy of Programming Ruby 3.3, 5th Edition.

And if AMAs aren't your thing, use the promo code devtalk.com for 35% off when you puchase at Programming Ruby 3.3.

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