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Serverless Apps on Cloudflare

Harness the power of serverless on Cloudflare’s platform so you can focus on what you do best: delivering solutions. With hands-on instruction and code samples throughout, you'll start from building a simple API to developing a game with persisted objects. Then you'll learn how to deploy your applications and websites automatically and optimize their performance for production.

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Serverless Apps on Cloudflare
May 16, 2024

Serverless Apps on Cloudflare: Build Solutions, Not Infrastructure

For decades, applications have been built and deployed in a similar way: you write code, provision a server, and upload your code. Over the years, you’ve graduated from FTP or SSH to Docker and Kubernetes, but fundamentally you've just switched from owning to renting. Your application is running 24/7 on a server you're paying for. Serverless technologies are changing that: you focus on your applications and offload the worry of where and how they’re deployed. This book will teach you how to write serverless applications on Cloudflare's global platform.

This means that you can focus on writing code and not have to worry about how it's deployed. With serverless, you only pay for when your application code is executed rather than pay for idle servers. You’ll do this using Cloudflare, which is built from the ground up to be a serverless platform.

You'll learn this better way to build applications, and you’ll see improved productivity and ease of deployment by making use of serverless technologies. From secrets to dependencies, such as databases and caches, Cloudflare has revolutionized how to build applications and makes building applications easier and more fun. As you go through the book, you'll learn in detail what serverless is, how it functions behind the scenes, and how to build serverless applications on Cloudflare. When you finish this book, you’ll understand serverless fundamentals and know how to build a variety of applications using Cloudflare.

Now available in beta from pragprog.com/titles/apapps.

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Upcoming Author Appearances

  • 2024-05-17 Kenneth Kousen, Greater Wisconsin Software Symposium
  • 2024-05-21 Jon Reid, SwiftCraft, Folkestone, UK
  • 2024-05-22 Johanna Rothman, Visualize Your Agile Approach: Practical Ways to Increase Your Agility
  • 2024-05-30 Dave Thomas, PLG Disrupt Summit, Athens
  • 2024-06-04 Johanna Rothman, Visualize Your Agile Approach: Practical Ways to Increase Your Agility
  • 2024-06-11 Andy Atkinson, Posette Virtual Conference for PostgreSQL
  • 2024-06-18 Jon Reid, Remote workshop
  • 2024-06-18 Miki Tebeka, GopherCon EU at Berlin
  • 2024-06-20 Johanna Rothman, Focus Your Distributed Component Teams to Deliver Better Products Faster
  • 2024-06-27 R. Mark Volkmann, KCDC in Kansas City
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