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A Bread Baking Kickstart

The only thing better than the smell of fresh baked bread is the taste! Whether you're an accomplished baker or just getting started, this book will put you in control of your dough by giving you formulas and techniques with the context you need to make them your own.

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A Bread Baking Kickstart
July 11, 2024

A Bread Baking Kickstart: Making Dough at Home in Your Spare Time

The book begins with pancakes and other quick breads before moving on to simple fool-proof recipes and techniques for yeasted breads as well as foccaccia, pizza, pita, and bagels. You'll learn to add more complexity to your breads by using time and pre-ferments such as biga, poolish, and—only if you want—sourdough that you grow from scratch. The book finishes with a foundational recipe that you will learn to adapt to make a wide variety of breads depending on your mood and what you have on hand.

From a simple pancake to a rustic whole wheat sourdough this book is more than just a journey through recipes and techniques. It's a collection of stories and breads I've made for friends and family in various home kitchens over more than four decades.

Now available from pragprog.com/titles/d-dsbread.

This work was written and produced entirely by the author. We are proud to be distributing it.

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  • 2024-07-16 Kenneth Kousen, UberConf
  • 2024-08-01 Michael Fazio, THAT Conference, Wisconsin Dells, WI
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