February 27, 2025
Clojure Brain Teasers: Exercise Your Mind
You know Clojure, but do you really understand it? You may know the mechanics and idioms, but what about the deeper, implicit concepts driving the design? Discover and explore the real Clojure, testing and supplementing your understanding of why this data-driven functional programming language works the way it does.
You'll start with the basic concepts such as numeric types, numeric promotion, and logical truth. But the backbone of Clojure is its focus on immutable data, centered around the Clojure collections. Learn about collection equality, polymorphism on nil, adding and finding elements in different collection types, and sorted collections. Explore Clojure's evaluation model, including the Clojure reader, quoting, evaluation, and macro expansion. Finally, learn about the core library functions like case , concat , for , partial , and the details of type hinting, vars, and destructuring. Understand the peculiarities of these functions and how to apply them to your advantage in future programs.
Use these new insights to build your own concise, expressive, and flexible code. Don't just use Clojure, master it.
Now in print and shipping soon: Use coupon code "MMCLOBRAINCOMPLETE" for 40% off the ebook at pragprog.com/titles/mmclobrain. For the paperback edition, please support your local independent bookstore.
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Upcoming Author Appearances2025-02-27 Frances Buontempo,
C++ Online
2025-03-05 Zachary Daniel,
Codebeam America
2025-03-07 Zachary Daniel,
Codebeam America
2025-03-11 Daniel H Steinberg,
Arctic Conference
2025-03-18 Rebecca Le,
Elixir Sydney
2025-03-18 Ben Cotton,
DevOpsDays Chicago, Chicago, IL, US
2025-03-20 Johanna Rothman,
Enterprise Agile Global Community
2025-03-25 Daniel H Steinberg,
App Dev Con
2025-03-31 Zachary Daniel,
Alchemy Conf 2025
2025-03-31 Zachary Daniel,
AlchemyConf 2025
2025-04-02 Ben Cotton,
KubeCon EU, London, UK
2025-04-03 Steve Love,
ACCU, Bristol, UK
2025-04-03 Frances Buontempo,
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